The Fifth Week of Easter: From FEAR to BELOVED
Photo: Pastor Tom Jenkins
Take a deep, cleansing breath. Allow the air to fill your lungs and expand your body. Exhale and empty yourself into the room. Repeat three times - once for the one who Created you, once for the Incarnate One who walks beside you, and once for the Spirit whose life fills your being.
“I will not leave you orphaned. I’m coming back. In just a little while the world will no longer see me, but you’re going to see me because I am alive and you’re about to come alive. At that moment you will know absolutely that I’m in my Father, and you’re in me, and I’m in you.””
Song: I Will Not Leave You Orphaned
I will not leave you orphaned
Though, ascending, I will be hidden
Behind and before, above, below, beside,
I will be with you and power will be given.
Ocean wide, and deep, the love that bears us.
Sails full of this mysterious wind.
Everything to which we cling - idols of ash and dust!
We can not comprehend or prove
Gracious currents you send to move us along.
(You said)
I will not leave you orphaned
Though, ascending, I will be hidden
Behind and before, above, below, beside,
I will be with you and power will be given.
Everywhere and always moves the source of life.
Relentlessly the good and gracious will
How can we know the way to go - we need a guide.
We’re not alone along the way.
Always safe at home, though often we stray.
(You say)
I will not leave you orphaned
Though, ascending, I will be hidden
Behind and before, above, below, beside,
I will be with you and power will be given.
I have to admit, Lord, that sometimes I feel like a motherless child a long way from home. Sometimes I think I know what I’m supposed to be doing only to be called in a whole new direction. TodayI hear your promise to your beloved disciples. And I remember how you redirected them. I believe you. Though I can not see you I trust that you are always behind and before, above, below and behind. And you are calling and leading us on. Thank you for your perfect faithfulness. Amen.
Today’s devotion is by Pastor Steve Thompson (song/prayer) and Pastor Tom Jenkins (photo)
Song ©2020. Steve Thompson.
Image- © 2020. Tom Jenkins.
Permission granted to share with family and friends.