A Frightened Roman Soldier


The following comes from the FEAR NOT series and was written by Walt. It is a Jesus Story Retold

“After the sabbath, as the first day of the week was dawning, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to see the tomb.  And suddenly there was a great earthquake; for an angel of the Lord, descending from heaven, came and rolled back the stone and sat on it.  His appearance was like lightning, and his clothing white as snow.  For fear of him the guards shook and became like dead men.”

-Matthew 28:1-4

Vitus stood with a spear in his fist.  His carefully honed combat vision scanned the horizon of the garden.  With a shield by his side, he was ready for anything that might come his way.  There was a fog floating in the darkness.  Soon it would increase with the arrival of dawn.  From his experience in the Legion, this was the time of day that could open to battle.  Caution was prudent -that is what Vitus's experience and training ingrained into the core of his being.  

Soon, however, this duty would be over.  Somebody said something about watching the tomb until the third day.  Not sure what that rumor meant.  His place wasn't to question orders but to follow them.  Guard the tomb. Period.

While keeping watch, Vitus's mind wandered.  He was so far from home in this strange land.  They seemed to pay only lip service to the Roman pantheon of gods.  Instead of worshiping Jupiter, Neptune, or Pluto, the locals spoke of Yahweh.  Actually, out of deep reverence, they never used their God's name.  Adonai - Lord - those were the only names to come from their lips.  So very strange to believe in one god.  And what a poor god at that!  Nothing about Yahweh seemed to match the might and majesty of Rome.  Friendship with the Roman gods brought power and might.     

Vitus was born in a land far from this conflicted place, where rebellion and revolt festered and would soon erupt.  His homeland was a peaceful place full of lush hillsides that overlooked the Mediterranean Sea.  Although his family wasn't the wealthiest in the region, they did have access to resources.  On the ninth day of life, his parents celebrated.  They gave him a name and a small amulet to wear, which is called a bulla.   The name meant 'vital' or 'life,' and the bulla marked him as freeborn.   Vitus carried both with him as markers of continued blessing.     

His citizenship connected him with others who enjoyed peace, prosperity, and order.  As a Roman soldier, he was joined to his brothers in arms.  Together they shared in and helped to defend the Pax Romana (peace of Rome.)  It was a powerful alliance - unlike any the world had ever known.      

The first signs of light in the sky brought Vitus's attention back to the present.  His ears perked up; two people were approaching the tomb.  Beneath Vitus's chest armor, his heart beat faster - the adrenalin started to flow.     

Just as he was about to shout "halt" at the advancing strangers, Vitus noticed the threat - two women.  He took a deep breath.  They were familiar; Vitus remembered seeing them at the crucifixion.  They watched with all the horror that such an event inspired.  They were the powerless friends of an impotent messiah.  

Suddenly, the earth beneath Vitus's sandals started to tremble.  The intensity of the rumbling increased.  Cracks in the dirt opened.  Dust mingled with the early morning fog.  

Behind the protection of his shield, Vitus looked to the sky from where there came an unnatural light.  By the might of Jupiter!  What was going on?  Some heavenly being descended from on high.   

At that point, Vitus felt all of his strength dissipate.  For the first time in his life, he lost his firm grip on both shield and spear.  Both of these bronze weapons of war crashed to the ground.  Vitus followed as his legs collapsed beneath him; he couldn't move.  It was as though he was a dead man.  But who struck him down?   What unseen powers attacked the power of Rome?

Looking up from the ground, unable to move, Vitus could see the women.  They faced a heavenly being, who shone like the sun.  The fear in their eyes matched the fear in his heart.   

"Do not be afraid!" spoke the mysterious figure to the women.  "You are looking for Jesus who was crucified, he is not here - he is risen!"  The tomb, which Vitus had guarded, was now empty.

The resurrection of the dead?  Paralyzed Roman guards?  The only ones worthy to stand were a pair of women who followed the tortured preacher who suffered a shameful death?   Courage in the face of suffering and despair?  How could such things be?

What kind of God was this Yahweh that he would befriend the likes of them?    

Immobilized, Vitus pondered.  In the grip of a fear larger than any he ever faced on a battlefield, he experienced real power for the first time in his life.  He was alone.



Gracious God, through the life of Jesus we find ourselves in friendship with you.  Thank you for the blessing that comes from this life-giving relationship.  Give me the strength to trust in my connection with you so that I might share your love with others.  Through Jesus, amen.   

© 2020 Walt Lichtenberger. All rights reserved.