The following comes from the FEAR NOT series and was written by Walt. It is a Jesus Story Retold
“And can any of you by worrying add a single hour to your span of life? If then you are not able to do so small a thing as that, why do you worry about the rest? Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not clothed like one of these.”
-Luke 12: 25-27
Don't worrrie 'bout a ting, cuz evy 'lil ting is gonna be all rite... Marley's words dance with a Jamaican rhythm through my soul. It is about time to get out my summer, 'beach' playlist. Filled with catchy melodies and smooth sounds, this digital collection of tunes is an annual favorite. It fits the mood of summertime when the living is easy.
I'm not sure how it is going to sound this year.
Already the coronavirus has done so much damage. It has displaced students and shopkeepers. Overnight some folks were declared to be "non-essential," and others heard the word 'furlough' for the first time in decades of working.
As the number of infections and deaths continue to rise, COVID-19 also wreaks havoc on our ego and self-worth. It is especially true in a culture that places such a high value on money. Normally, we are focused on what people do to 'earn a living' and on their ability to spend without restraint. Our worth, at least according to worldly standards, is linked directly to the size of our bank accounts. We equate success with how much money we have and all the stuff that it can buy us.
Value linked to currency is nothing new for the human creature. It is a phenomenon not restricted to capitalism either. Back in the days of Jesus's earthly ministry, there were no capitalists or socialists. These economic systems were centuries away from being invented. There was, however, wealth.
The 'golden rule' was in effect; those with the gold make the rules. Some things never change. With wealth came power and prestige. Not everyone was equally valued. Life had a price tag attached. People also linked wealth with divine favor. God blessed the rich with many good things. The poor were somehow morally deficient or seen as not as valuable. Some of these ideas persist in our time.
Jesus brought different ideas about wealth, value, and the blessing of God. The good news that he proclaimed turned things upside down. Worth came not from silver or gold - it was the gift of God. You couldn't earn God's favor and its accompanying value. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't buy blessings. Instead, God lavished love, forgiveness, and life itself on all people. Both poor and rich had worth because God said it was so!
It was a hard message for the rich and powerful of Jesus's day to comprehend. They couldn't understand how such things could be possible. It was like trying to squeeze a camel through the eye of a needle - impossible! Even the good, holy people of the time couldn't get their heads around such teaching. It seemed to go against everything that they knew about how the world works.
We continue to struggle with the truth of Jesus's preaching. Golden rules and worldly wisdom continue to dictate worthiness and value. It is hard to get over centuries of 'common sense' - so ingrained are the lessons of our childhood. We miss truly hearing what Jesus has to say - and it hurts our spirits. Our vision is clouded by worldly understandings of worth when we look into the mirror or at our neighbor in need.
Perhaps it is time for some healing? What would it look like if we stopped seeing dollar signs when we think about the worth of ourselves and others?
Imagine resting in God's worth. Feel the comfort of not having to do, earn, spend, or bargain. You are beloved - because God says you are worth more than all the sparrows, lilies, gold, and account balances. Period. Let me say that again - you have worth because you are a child of God. What is more, so does your neighbor.
As scientists search for vaccines and medical professionals wage their war against this virus, might it also be a time for us to seek additional health for our souls? Might we use this opportunity to focus on what matters most? Can we get some clarity around our values and align them with those of Jesus?
Perhaps is it time for us to sing a different song about what is most important? What would it look like to allow the rhythms and dance of God’s sweet sounds to move heart and limbs. Beloved by God we are worthy, loved, and of priceless value. Entering that beat we don’t have nu-ting to worrie ‘bout… evry ‘lil ting is gonna be all rite.
Gracious God, I am exhausted by more worries than I can count. Many times I have come to doubt my worth or place in this world. When I am overwhelmed, allow me to stop and take a deep breath. Allow me to believe your word about the value of my life. Let me dwell in being your beloved child. Through Christ, amen.
© 2020 Walt Lichtenberger. All rights reserved.