Lent, Day Twenty-Eight


Take a deep, cleansing breath. Allow the air to fill your lungs and expand your body. Exhale and empty yourself into the room. Repeat three times - once for the one who Created you, once for the Incarnate One who walks beside you, and once for the Spirit whose life fills your being.


Transforming the Yard: Lighting Up the Dark


The mid-sized lantern hangs from a hook over the side of my deck. Inside, it contains a battery-lit, LED candle. The lantern comes on at some point after dark. I haven’t quite been able to quite figure out the timing. It seems to have a mind of its own. We have had it for a while, and it seems to not function as it once did. But it still works. At its own time, it will shine. I’ll see it from the kitchen as I look out at the otherwise dark backyard. Sometimes it will be on when I head out onto the deck in that pre-dawn time to write—unpredictable.  

As I think about it, my unpredictable lantern is not unlike my spiritual life; it gives light and witness to God’s love. The light, however, is not as predictable as I’d like. In my heart, I also want to be better at shining. I know that the world, my community, family, and relationships could use a little more brightness.  

When I shine my light, it feels good. It gives me satisfaction that makes me smile from the inside out. Shining into the darkness around, I begin to see the faces of others. My light reflects in the dark of their eyes producing a glint. Smiles are contagious. Joy spreads with the light. Soon, other lights emit. The process is organic and viral. Light begets light and allows for seeing, knowing, understanding. When light shines, a community is created among friends, acquaintances, and even strangers.  

But my light doesn’t always come on. Sometimes, I cower and cover the light source of my life. I get afraid and overwhelmed. At times, it is just pure laziness. When I dwell in the darkness—refusing or unable to shine—something negative happens in my soul. I become withdrawn and unhappy. Joy, itself, seems gone and unattainable. 

Without light, I buy into the paranoia that I’m alone in the universe and everything is out to get me. Seeing, knowing, and understanding become elusive. In the extreme, I will be vulnerable to conspiracy theories and tempted to take any means necessary to regain control and self-determination. 

Wow, that went south quick, didn’t it? And that is just the point—good people can get into dangerous places quickly when they are not clinging and walking in the light of God. 

Let’s shift our light metaphor for a moment. From a battery-operated lantern that goes on (or doesn’t) with a timer, I direct your attention to another light feature of my backyard paradise—Tiki torches. 

I’m not exactly sure why, but I’m a sucker for Tiki torches. Maybe it is because I love all things Hawaiian from the slack guitar chords to the loud floral shirts. Perhaps it is because I’m mesmerized by the dancing flame; I’m not sure and it really doesn’t matter. I like Tiki torches and over the years have always had them in the backyard. 

I like lighting my Tiki torches whenever I sit on the deck at night. Often this happens when Katie and I have company. We will turn on the fire table, a recent addition to our night-time illumination features. The open flames have an energetic dance party. There is something about fire that creates an atmosphere to bring people together. 

In the flicker of torches and fires, we see each other in a different light. Maybe we are a little more real in the warm glow of a flame. A little more human? A little less in the manufactured spotlight that highlights the facade we present to the world. Maybe it’s just me, but I feel more like myself in the dancing lights of Tiki torches and campfires. I can just be without having to worry about judgment. I find when I’m in this space, I’m more available and relaxed; ready to share life with others. I’m also freed to shine from the heart of my being.  

How do you shine? Under what lighting conditions are you best able to be the person who God made you to be? What candles, torches, and fires can you light this day that will help your light shine before others? Time has come to light up. The darkness, confusion, and division of our times need all of God’s “lanterns” lowing brightly on a more consistent basis.



Gracious God,

you are the light of my life. When darkness descends in my world and in my heart, shine the light of your love. Push back the veil of despair and fear. Allow me to see with a vision that is inspired, open, and hope-filled.

Through Jesus Christ, Amen.

Copyright 2020. Walt Lichtenberger. Permission granted to share with family and friends.