Lent, Day Twenty-Seven


Take a deep, cleansing breath. Allow the air to fill your lungs and expand your body. Exhale and empty yourself into the room. Repeat three times - once for the one who Created you, once for the Incarnate One who walks beside you, and once for the Spirit whose life fills your being.


The Parable of the Homemade Firestarters:


A resourceful, wise man had an old coffee can under his kitchen sink to save bits of wax. Each time a candle would burn out, he would take the stubs of wax and put them into his can. He'd also scrape melted wax from the bottom of candle holders and add that waste too. Friends would bring him small bags of their wax trimmings. Little by little, the contents of the metal container increased.  

At the same time, the wise man also kept the wood shavings and sawdust that he produced in his small garage workshop. For months, the refuse bin grew in volume.  

When both coffee can and sawdust bin were full, the wise man set out to make fire starters. Carefully, he placed the metal coffee can on the gas stove to melt the wax. Next, he took paper cups and filled them with sawdust. With practiced precision, the wise man poured the wax into the paper cups. The wood fibers absorbed the molten liquid quickly.  

After the wise man used up all the wax in the can, he allowed the fire starters to cool down. Before long, they hardened and were ready for use.  

Later that evening, the wise man took his recycled fire starters outside to his firepit. He placed one of his tiny creations in the center of a pile of sticks, twigs, and logs. Lighting the fire starter with a match, the wise man watched the repurposed materials burn with intensity. He smiled as the fire starter did its job. Over the next twenty minutes, the enduring flame ignited a roaring campfire.



A Question to Ponder: 

What can you do to create some light for someone who is in a dark time?


Gracious God,

let me not hide your light or love. Give me the courage to shine brightly so that others might know of your care for them. Shine your grace, love, and forgiveness through me.

Through Jesus Christ, Amen.

Copyright 2020. Walt Lichtenberger. Permission granted to share with family and friends.