A Prayer for the Thirty Third Day of Easter


Resurrection and the life,

The disciples locked their doors on that first night of Easter.  They were afraid of what might happen to them; the crucifixion gave them a good reason to fear.  They were also confused by the news about the empty tomb; was it resurrection as Jesus predicted or simply a grave robbery?   Many centuries later, we have our fears and live with our own brand of confusion. Our doors remain locked as we wait and see, let things play out.  As your Resurrected presence entered the locked room of those disciples back then, so enter our locked places today. Breath upon us your living giving Spirit so that we might have the courage to act and to live.  Strengthen us so that we might unbar the door and enter into the darkness of our fears and uncertainties shining with your light.

Through Christ, Amen.

Permission granted to share with friends.  Copyright 2018 Walt Lichtenberger