Gracious God, you surprise me. Sometimes in the strangest places and oddest times, I capture glimpses of your love and grace. When I least expect it, you bring a smile to my heart, and I’m filled with joy. At other times, when I try to conjure up your presence with religious thoughts and incantations, it seems like you are nowhere around. You elude my control. It appears that you refuse to play by my rules and follow my carefully laid plans and manipulations. Forgive my blasphemous attempts to harness your power for selfish desires. Enable me to just trust in your presence and providence. Open my spirit so that I am available for your purposes and direction. Remind me that I’m not the center of the universe and that I don’t need to be as your child. Redirect my energies and efforts outward so that I may be found in the places of hurt, struggle, and restlessness. In the unlikely places of this world and my soul, let me discover you anew. Through Christ, Amen.
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It comes from Walt’s new book - Backyard Parables: Discovering Wisdom Close to Home. Books can be purchased on this website or through Amazon.