
Ash Wednesday - 2020

Gracious God,

I rush through most days like a chicken without a head! Life is busy. There is so much to do; so much that I must do. This confusion and kerfuffle have allowed me to buy into the lie that I alone am responsible for what I have. I have earned the blessings of my life, and it is my every right to keep every blessing close at hand. Give me the wisdom today to see the foolishness in such thinking. Help me to stop, breathe, and be grateful. Increase humility within me so that I might let go of misdirected entitlement and privilege. Forgive my blasphemy of control and stinginess. Create within me a generosity that imitates the love that Jesus has for all people. Redirect my doing so that it is less frenzied and more focused. Teach me to be your child.

Through Christ, Amen.

 Permission granted to share today's content with family and friends.  Copyrighted 2018. Walt Lichtenberger

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