Number four comes from the Lenten series, BROKEN and BELOVED. It is a fictional story set at a congregational potluck.

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A Story of Potlucks, Wisdom, and Foolishness - Part 1


Take a deep, cleansing breath.  Allow the air to fill your lungs and expand your body.  Exhale and empty yourself into the room.  Repeat three times - once for the one who Created you, once for the Incarnate One who walks beside you, and once for the Spirit whose life fills your being.


“Now when the Pharisee who had invited him saw it, he said to himself, “If this man were a prophet, he would have known who and what kind of woman this is who is touching him—that she is a sinner.”

— Luke 7: 39

The following story is a fictional story.

Vanessa Pryce ruled her worlds with sophisticated charm, elegance, and tyranny.  Although she was in her eighth decade of life, Mrs. Pryce was a formidable force of nature.  Over the years, many tried unsuccessfully to reckon with her.  From family members, social peers, and a chain of preachers, they learned the hard way that to oppose Vanessa's will was to fail miserably.  

Mr. Pryce amassed a small fortune in real estate holdings.  When Mr. Pryce died in his late fifties from a sudden heart attack, he left his wife with a large house, cabin, boat, a sizeable bank account, and a hefty life insurance payout.  At the time of Hector's death, everyone was concerned about how his widow, who was now by far the wealthiest person in the county, would fare.

Sexism blinded those who worried from the truth that Vanessa was mostly responsible for her husband's success.  Not only was she the smarter of the two, but she had nerves of steel when it came to negotiations.  

Vanessa Pryce liked to be in control and exercised her power and wealth regularly.  She demanded that things be in order according to her designated standards.  It was the case in every sphere of her life from the condition of her home, the functioning of Pryce Holdings, her book club, and at church.  

At church, Vanessa was deeply respected.  Which is a nice, church-polite way of saying, "FEARED."  No one wanted to invite the wrath of the mighty Mrs. Pryce.   Occasionally a young, idealistic pastor, knowing that it was unhealthy for the community for one person to wield such unquestioned authority, would make the mistake of standing up to Vanessa.  

None succeeded.  Most would leave the parish with the scars of the encounter as a 'hard-learned' lesson in church politics.  There was the gospel of Jesus Christ, and then there was the GOSPEL ACCORDING TO VANESSA.  The sooner the preacher understood, the better.

One day, there was a potluck after worship.  Everyone brought their Tupperware containers filled with salads, jello, and entrees to the small kitchen adjacent to the fellowship hall.  All through worship, the covered dishes waited on a large table.  At the start of the closing hymn, a small group of ladies left the sanctuary to make ready the feast.  As you might guess, Mrs. Pryce was the leader of the advance party to the festivities.  

Not only are potlucks traditionally the highlight of a church's social calendar but they also help to maintain the social hierarchy of a congregation.  Strict unwritten rules are often in effect as to what is appropriate, and what is not, when it comes to potluck fare.  

To this very day in Potluck-practicing congregations, it is a sense of personal pride to go home with an empty Tupperware container.  Likewise, you can bring permanent disgrace upon your family name with an unpopular dish.  It is a high-risk proposition, and in general, the taste buds of must congregations run picky, so experimentation is generally not welcome.  If you are wondering, lime Jello is always a safe bet.

Mrs. Pryce was all too happy to remind her carefully selected assistants of "proper" potluck protocol as they delicately arranged the dishes on the long banquet table.  "That's Mrs. Anderson's famous marshmallow salad; it goes here."  "Looks like Mrs. Carlson made her walnut salad, again; let's put that over there."  "We must put Pauline's pickled dish near the front so that no one misses it."  

One by one, under the careful eye of Mrs. Pryce, the table filled with food.  Before the women completed their work, hungry folks began to fill the room and took their seats.   Let the ritual begin.  The pastor stands in front of the fellowship hall and waits patiently for the 'all-clear' signal.  While waiting for Mrs. Pryce, it is good to review the sacred text: 

"Thou shalt not begin the potluck until the pastor prays upon the food.  HE proceeds to pray only after properly admiring the spread of food [please note: after the ordination of women, Mrs. Pryce did not think it appropriate to embrace gender-neutral language].  Adoration of Mrs. Pyrce is salutary and mandatory; those fools forgetting to give appropriate acknowledgment shalt be cast into outer darkness. (VANESSA chapter 4, verses 5-8.)"   

After praying, the pastor is to step aside and allow the famished congregation to devour the food offering.  

Pastor Beth followed the rubrics to the letter.  She was a seasoned pastor, wise in not only the ways of scripture but also in all manner of congregational dysfunction.  Knowing that a group of women would still be in the kitchen, Pastor Beth popped her head in to say hello.  Cheery banter ensued.  

As the women laughed and chatted, Pastor Beth noticed that one dish remained on the kitchen table.  Instead of the fashionable Tupperware, it was a small cardboard container of fried chicken from the supermarket.  It wasn't the large family size but the one that you can buy for around five dollars.  Pastor Beth asked, "What is this?  Why isn't this food out?" 

In an instance, silence filled the room.  The kitchen assistants suddenly looked to the floor to make sure that they still wore shoes.  Pastor picked up the box of chicken and continued, "This was brought by Susan.  She wrote even wrote 'from Susan' on it."

At that very moment, Mrs. Pryce entered the kitchen and the drama escalated.   

The story continues tomorrow...


Gracious and loving God, why do we persist in thinking ourselves wiser than others?  Why do we cower when others demand their wisdom upon us?  Meet me in the broken places of my life, among the relationships that are under the strain of ignorance.  Shine your wisdom into the darkness of our foolishness.  Let your love and mercy instruct me and guide my pathways.  Through Jesus, amen.