from LOVE - published in February 2019, this series ran for four weeks and was the first in a three-series bundle called Living Faithful.
Number 18 is a retelling of a Jesus story from the gospels. I wrote a bunch of these in 2019 from the perspective of someone whose life was changed forever from an encounter with Jesus.
A Jesus Love Story (retold): Love Chooses
Take a deep, cleansing breath. Allow the air to fill your lungs and expand your body. Exhale and empty yourself into the room. Repeat three times - once for the one who Created you, once for the Incarnate One who walks beside you, and once for the Spirit whose life fills your being.
“I do choose. Be made clean.” — Jesus (in Luke 5:13)
He sat on the side of the road, just outside the city-alone. Underneath his ratty cloak, his skin was irritated. In places, the sores burst open and oozed a sickening fluid. It was no wonder that others despised lepers and labeled them to be "unclean." There wasn't a day in the last decade that he didn't cast the same judgment on himself.
He used to think that the disease which gradually ate away at his body and spirit was God's punishment. Before the outbreak, he tried to live up to the high moral code of the Pharisees. Back then he had a name, and a family, and a trade, and happiness. He thought he followed all the rules, but there were so many.
Many days, he pondered what caused God's anger. For the life of him, he couldn't recall the infraction. For years, this bothered him. If only he could remember what he did, perhaps there was a chance to ask for forgiveness. How could God show mercy if he was unrepentant?
A decade later, he gave up trying to solve the puzzle of his predicament. These days, his thoughts went sideways. What kind of God would demand the payment of such prolonged misery for an infraction so minor that he could no longer recall it? Was such divinity worth the worship and praise that he once gave so freely? Why did God do this to him? Why did God abandon him?
The only comfort that he found was in the limited shade of the palm tree that he leaned upon with his pox-covered back. Although there never was a good time of day to be sitting destitute along the side of the road, outside the city gate, it was worst when the sun was high in the sky. The dust of the early morning travel hung in the dry air. Heat radiated from all the flat surfaces. No one was around. Even the ones who took pity on lepers, throwing coins or scraps of bread, were indoors in cooler places.
Suffering and anguish were the only companions a leper could expect as he tried to fall asleep as he baked under a discarded old garment.
One day, in the heat of his despair, he heard the footsteps of a large group of people head his way. As he opened his eyes, he saw the one that they called Jesus. Rumors travel fast in these times; it is especially true when the tales are of miraculous healing. Jesus made the blind to see and physically broken bodies to walk. At least, that is what was said; could such things be possible? What was the chance that such mercy could also extend to lepers?
He bowed his face to the ground. It was a habit that came with the shame of being a leper; don't look anyone in the eye, you are not worthy of such things. This time, though, he bowed as a sign of respect to the one about which others spoke so highly. With downturned head, the leper courageously spoke and begged.
Begging was part of a leper's survival. Every day, your existence depended upon the charity of others. Coins. Scraps. These were the things that compassionate hearts tossed to the ones who lived on the fringes.
In Jesus' presence, however, the ask was different. Instead of money or food, the unnamed leper was fearless in requesting to be clean. Physical healing was only part of what was needed. He desired to be a person again, complete with name, family, trade, and place in the community. He wanted to leave his spot on the side of the road and go home.
What joy would fill his heart to share a meal with loved ones! What delight to be allowed to enter the synagogue and praise God in ancient psalms and songs! "Clean" meant a renewed connection to God and others. It was a dream lost through years of struggle and pain. But, in the presence of Jesus, the dream returned; "Lord, if you choose, you can make me clean."
Time stopped. What would this Holy Man desire? Would compassion or judgment or silence follow?
Extending his hand, touching his contagious shame, God responded; "I do choose. Be made clean."
Time quickened once again. Without hesitation, the disease left Yosef's body. He could feel the pimples dissolve and the sores close. Gone in an instant were the pustules that plagued his skin. It was time for Yosef to show himself to the priest, time to offer the appropriate offering of thanksgiving. Now was the moment to celebrate God's decisive action in his life.
Chosen by love, Yosef joyfully left his isolation at the side of the road and went home to his family.
Loving God, remind me of your love whenever I look with unkind judgment upon others. Ignite within me a deep sense of compassion that will open my heart. Move me to choose kindness and generosity as I interact with those I'm apt to judge or overlook. Through Jesus's love, amen.
Permission granted to share with friends and family. Copyrighted 2019. Walt Lichtenberger