“So let us not grow weary in doing what is right, for we will reap at harvest time, if we do not give up. So then, whenever we have an opportunity, let us work for the good of all, and especially for those of the family of faith.”
My Two Cents….
If I’m being honest - I’m real good at working for the good of me. Taking care of myself is something with which I’ve had years of practice. From the moment I learned to tie my sneakers, I’ve worked on taking care of myself. This isn’t necessarily bad, nor is it to the detriment of others. If everyone would take care of putting on their shoes then there would be less need for others to do it. There is logic in ‘bootstrap’ mentality.
Sadly, however, it doesn’t contribute to the things that make for peace and justice. Despite illusions to the contrary, we don’t live in a world where there is an even playing field. As a white male, I’m the beneficiary of privileges of which I’m not always aware. No matter how much I want to claim that all I have comes from my hard work and diligence, I have an unfair advantage in a system that works in my favor. I will be picked and listened to before others.
I won in the lottery of birth.
I usually don’t think of things that way. Remember, I’m good at working for the good of me. I take offense when others suggest that I have it a little easier than those who come from other lands, speak foreign tongues, have darker skins, and use a different restroom. I might become defensive. I’ll dig in my heels and take evasive action as fear kicks into gear.
In a world broken by injustice, Jesus offers an alternate path to the one of self-defense, obsession, and self-preservation. Put aside fear and judgment. Work for the good of all. Start with those who share the same belief in a loving God. Partner with them to care for others. Build relationships and coalitions that commit to the well being of those in need.
The work to which Jesus invites his disciples isn’t easy. It will challenge assumptions and might even expose uncomfortable truths. We might grow weary in the process. To persevere we will need an uncommon courage.
So that’s what’s in my prayer these days. Courage. Courage to see beyond my privilege. Courage to recognize the need that surrounds. Courage to do something about it.
In Christ’s Light,
Starting November 4, I will be offering a new daily devotional called WELCOME; Sharing in God’s Greeting. It is a four-week series on Christian hospitality. Stay tuned for more information about how you can subscribe.
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