September 10, 2017 - Rally Day Sermon


At the start of an exciting year of ministry at St. James, Pastor Walt preaches about the need for the Christian community to be a place of reconciliation and forgiveness.  Based on Matthew 18: 15-20 - which is the designated RCL Lectionary text for the day (Pastor admits that it wouldn't be his first choice for a Rally Day sermon), this sermon looks at Jesus call to work out differences and conflicts among disciples so that there might be mutual understanding and a healing of the brokenness.   Where this doesn't work, those who won't listen to the wisdom and counsel of the community need to leave.  That said, those who leave are to remain as persons for the church's mission, just like tax collectors and other outcasts.   Reconciliation, welcome, forgiveness - good things to have on our minds as we start a year of ministry.


This sermon is dedicated to the loving memory of The Rev. Dr. Murdoch MacPherson - Pastor Walt's mentor, friend, and colleague for 12 years in New Jersey.