Based on Matthew 22: 1-14, this sermon explores themes of respect/honor and disrespect/shame. Jesus tells a parable about a King and a wedding banquet. The guests disrespect the king by first not responding to his invitation and later by killing the messenger. The King resorts to a show of force in order to restore his honor. Afterwards, he sends his servants into the city and invites everyone - good and bad to come to his party. The King shows a great honor to all. During the party, the King notices that one guest has disrespected (seemingly unknowingly) by not wearing a wedding gown (some scholars say that these were provided at the door).
How do we honor/respect God? In what ways do we dishonor/shame? To answer these questions, we need to look at not only our devotion/worship/prayer life; we must also look at how we treat others. How are we Christ to our neighbor in need?
Christians are called to lives of respect/honor.