Day Seventeen

Inspirational Image:


A Quartet of Haikus on Dawn

On the horizon,

a faint glow announces day.

Soon light will appear.

From nightly slumber,

following patterns of old,

sun moves across sky.

Red. Orange. Purple.

The Heavenly colors dance,

blending as day breaks.

Now is time to play,

in the brightness of this day.

God gives it for life.


Light a candle (or three candles on your Advent wreath), take a deep breath, and pray…

O Come Healing Light and shine into our broken bodies.  Although you call me into right relationships with others, neighbors, strangers, and all creation, I find my relationships are broken.  I seek and need your healing power.  Empower me with your love, compassion, generosity, and mercy.  Strengthen me, transform my body by these values so that I might reflect these values into the network of relationships in which I find myself connected.   Through the Resurrected Body of Christ, Amen.