Day Nine


“And God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness. God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, the first day.” (Genesis 1: 4-5)


Where We are headed this week…

We began the first week of our Advent journey in darkness. Surrounded by the dark, we yearned for the light. We are waiting for God to act in our world, our community, our family, and our hearts. Hope provides the courage that lets us hold on and stay with it. It is hard. From time to time, we can even slip into the despair of darkness. Night can be so pervasive and persuasive.

As Christians, however, we are on a journey towards the light. The brightness of Christ's love beckons us onward and seeks to pull us out of the muck that bogs us down and prevents movement.

This week, we will look at the first glimpses of light. These are gracious signs of what is yet to come our way. Momentary bursts of illumination - they allow us to see through the dark. Like the morning star that points to the rising dawn, so too do these initial beacons announce the coming day. They excite our imagination and provide us with the vision that we need.

Throughout the week, we will be on the lookout for signs of God's light. So look with the anticipation of a child on Christmas morning as they make their way to a tree laden with wrapped packages. Search with the hope that you will find. Yearn for Christ's light in every dark and stuck place in your life. The Light of the World will brighten your way. God's light will appear, even if it is just for a brief moment - a glimpse of what is to come to pass.



Light a candle (or two candles on your Advent wreath), take a deep breath, pray…

O Come Creator of celestial light and shine on all creation.  Stars.  Moons. Millions of lights as far as we can see on dark winter night – these wonders bring awe and reverence.  Fill us with wonder and inspiration to journey where we have never gone before.  On these travels, may we answer the call to honor and discover new ways of caring for all that you have made.  Through the Resurrected Body of Christ, Amen.

Copyrighted 2019. Walt Lichtenberger. Permission granted to share with family and friends