But the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, which shines brighter and brighter until full day. (Proverbs 4:18)
Where We Are Heading This Week…
The last week of Advent is usually shorter than all the others. It varies depending on when December 25 falls. Since Christmas in on Wednesday this year, that means that Advent Four has but three days. In a season of waiting, find ourselves suddenly 'almost there.'
Our Advent journey has been one of heading into the light. We have moved from the place of darkness to catch the first glimpse of light. Sitting in the last shadows of night, we watched the new day dawn as emergent light blossomed across the sky. In these last hours of Advent, we enter the space of brightness.
Light encompasses and embraces us as we find ourselves in the realm of day. It is time to celebrate. It is also time to look around and take note of our surroundings. Look with a sacred wonder and curiosity.
How are our lives connected with others? Does love live through our network of relationships? How far does this web extend? Family? Friends? Acquaintances? The planet?
Where do we see God? Do we notice the fingerprints of the divine? Do we recognize God's creative work? How about God's restorative presence? Do we sense the ways that the Spirit is gathering us into compassionate communion with others?
As we prepare to celebrate in the light of Christmas, let us enter into the space of joy and brightness. With eyes and heart wide open, let us be thankful for the new day and all its possibilities. God is born anew in us. It is time to allow God's brightness and life to shine its sacred light through us.
light a candle or the four candles of your Advent wreath and pray…
O Come Light Divine and shine into the darkness of neglect. The light from a stable long ago pierces the darkness of this world. In the birth of Jesus, you shine your very being, filled with compassion, mercy, love, and grace. Empower me in these gifts so that I might be a light unto others, particularly those who are forgotten and neglected. Shine through me until that day when your radiance dispels all darkness, and all people can celebrate in the joy of your eternal light. Through the Resurrected Body of Christ, Amen.
Copyrighted 2019. Walt Lichtenberger. Permission granted to share with family and friends. All other rights reserved.