Christmas Day

Inspirational Image:


A Quintet of Christmas Haikus

What space can be made,

for the child of love and grace,

in your heart today?

Is there enough room

for the kindness that he brings?

A place for welcome?

Is there a dwelling

in your words for compassion

to take residence?

Is there an abode

for your spirit to embrace

the presence of Christ?

Can Christmas be more

than temporary lodging

for our restless souls?


Light a candle (or four candles on your Advent wreath), take a deep breath, and pray…

O Come Light Divine and shine.   The light from a stable long ago pierces the darkness of this world.  In the birth of Jesus, you shine your very being, filled with compassion, mercy, love, and grace.  Empower me in these gifts so that I might be a light unto others, particularly those who are forgotten and neglected.  Shine through me until that day when your radiance dispels all darkness, and all people can celebrate in the joy of your eternal light.  Through the Resurrected Body of Christ, Amen.