The Fourth Week of Easter: From FEAR to TRUST
Take a deep, cleansing breath. Allow the air to fill your lungs and expand your body. Exhale and empty yourself into the room. Repeat three times - once for the one who Created you, once for the Incarnate One who walks beside you, and once for the Spirit whose life fills your being.
“A great windstorm arose…”
A Jesus Story Retold : Before the Good News “FEAR NOT”
Sweet release. Jesus began teaching by the sea. In what seemed like a matter of minutes, more and more people were coming to hear Jesus teach. The crowds were getting so large that we all kept backing up and backing up until we were nearly in the water.
It was then that someone suggested Jesus should use a boat that was there so he wouldn’t get wet. When Jesus boarded the boat he sat down and began teaching in parables. “A sower went out to sow…” “The Kingdom of God is as if someone would scatter seed on the ground…” On and on Jesus spoke and taught until evening came. “Let us go across to the other side,” Jesus said. We all entered the boat, dead tired from the press of the crowd and from the sun. That is why I said, “Sweet release.” Jesus was so tired that he made his want to the stern of the boat, rested on a cushion there and fell asleep.
I too kept dozing off but suddenly there was a commotion, Peter, James, John, Andrew all the mariners in our group were pointing to the sky and talking among themselves in very agitated tones. When I asked them what was the matter they all said “Storm coming”
Suddenly, there was a powerful gust of wind. I wasn’t afraid until I saw the face of the disciples who were mariners. They looked worried. If those who had so much experience on the water began to fear, you can only imagine what was beginning to grip me.
Then with the wind came the waves. Our boat was rocking, heaving, the water lapping over the sides. There was no way to control the boat.
I’ve been afraid before but I had never experienced anything like this. It was as if the world I knew was ending. One wrong move and I could have been washed over the side. I was truly afraid that I was going to die. “Jesus, where are you?” I could hear someone shout. I was wondering the same thing but my fear had made me unable to speak.
Lord Jesus, we are in the midst of something none of us have experienced in our lifetime. A storm has come upon us. We hear warnings on TV, on the radio, in the newspapers and on social media and we become afraid that we might perish. Be with us in this time of uncertainty and fear, walk beside us and strengthen us. Amen.
Today’s devotion is by Pastor Dennis Sepper
©2020 Dennis Sepper. Permission granted to share with family and friends.