The Third Week of Easter: From FEAR to FRIENDSHIP
Take a deep, cleansing breath. Allow the air to fill your lungs and expand your body. Exhale and empty yourself into the room. Repeat three times - once for the one who Created you, once for the Incarnate One who walks beside you, and once for the Spirit whose life fills your being.
“Jesus said to them, “Do not be afraid; go and tell my disciples to go to Galilee; there they will see me.” —”
A Jesus-Story Retold: After the good news “fear not”
What a rollercoaster ride this week has been. An arrest, a mock trial, then crucifixion and death. All the authorities were still out there when the two Marys went to the tomb of Jesus. They were much braver than the rest of us to venture out in the first place.
Now they are back with news of an encounter with an angel and then with Jesus himself…back from the grave. Could it be? My mind cannot comprehend it. I want to believe what they told all of us…how we should not be afraid and we should meet Jesus in Galilee but common sense won’t allow me that luxury.
What if it’s true? What if Jesus is resurrected from the grave? Despite all of our brave words when they took Jesus away we all deserted him. Simon Peter even denied knowing him. If we weren’t afraid enough before, now Jesus is back and wants us to meet him. This is God whom we betrayed and deserted. Surely Jesus is angry with us.
But…but if it is true, then everything else Jesus showed us and taught us must be true. That mercy and forgiveness are great strengths, that love wins over hate, that service to others is the path to an abundant life, that all our lives are held in the hand of a God who knows us by name and won’t abandon us…even when we abandon God. Most importantly, that Jesus is speaking the truth when he says, “I am the resurrection and the life.”
What wonderful news that is but we haven’t seen Jesus yet. All we have is the witness of Mary Magdalene and the other Mary. I so want to believe what they have told us especially that part about how the angel and Jesus said that we should not be afraid. I find myself going back and forth between fear and joy, between doubt and faith.
I suppose there is only one way to know for sure and that is to join the rest of the disciples, leave this place and go to Galilee to see Jesus as he promised. I suppose it is time to take the angel and the risen Jesus at their word and leave our fear behind, here in this place. Faith and courage seem to go hand in glove…on my good days I get it and at times I do not. I guess that’s what it means to be human and a disciple of the risen Christ.
Then too I have my brothers and sisters with me…a community of faith and friendship. When I am weak they strengthen me, when they falter I promise to be there to lift them up. Jesus has called us into this group of followers for a purpose…to encourage each other as we proclaim the good news and as we serve others. There is absolutely no way I could do this on my own. I need each and every one of them to see this time of uncertainty through. Thank God we have each other!
Lord Jesus, I believe, help my unbelief. When I am fearful allow me to hear your words “do not be afraid” and strengthen me within my community of the faithful to trust your words of promise and follow you wherever you may lead. Amen.
Today’s devotion is by Pastor Dennis Sepper
© 2020. Dennis Sepper. Permission granted to share with family and friends.