During a pandemic, fear is commonplace. Like the virus that it dreads, fear spreads rapidly and strikes at the very soul. Isolation and social distancing, which are positive responses to hold back coronavirus, enhance the fear which has now infected every household.
The fears that afflict us come in various sizes and intensities. They run the gamut from worrying about not having enough toilet paper to financial concerns based on reduced or lost employment to whether our loved ones are going to be okay. We might even fear our death.
Throughout the stories that the Gospels tell of Jesus's life, we hear a recurring theme. Jesus tells his disciples to 'fear not.' It is a message we find in not only the teachings of Jesus but also see demonstrated in his actions. Jesus trusts in God's presence and steadfast love even during the most terrible circumstances. Jesus embodies ongoing courage throughout his ministry, even to the point of its horrendous end upon a cross.
The gospel invitation to "Fear not" is neither naive nor is it filled with denial. It doesn't avoid reality. Instead, the message looks into the face of nightmares, actual and imagined, and finds courage deep within the spirit. Facing fears is a spiritual act of profound trust in God's eternal nature. We lean into the sure and certain hope that since nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus, we will never be alone. God goes with us, alongside. Forever.
It is the message of Easter. In the darkness, sorrow, and grief of a tomb, God shines the light of resurrected life. The lifeless and tormented body of Jesus lies not abandoned. Something new and unexpected happens. New life!
At the tomb, God resurrects. Death doesn't have the last sinister chuckle. Silenced by God's work, death loses its eternal hold. Jesus's life cracks open new possibilities. Our greatest fear - death itself - is not as ultimate as we once thought. Hope dawns.
Grounded in the hope that will not let us go, a group of Lutheran pastors from the Twin Cities, have put together a daily devotional for the seven weeks of the Easter season. FEAR NOT is a collaborative work that turns to the life of Jesus for inspiration. We seek the courage that comes from Christ to face the fears generated during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Each week, we will share stories from our lives, imaginative retellings of biblical stories, songs, poetry, scripture, and prayers. We will even offer suggestions on what you might do in the face of fear to share the love of God. Each offering comes from the heart of experienced pastors who have walked with people through grief and loss.
We write, however, not as experts or authorities with answers that solve all problems. According to the wisdom we have gathered over the years, there are no easy answers. Instead, we offer assurance of God's steadfast love and presence. The cross has taught us that even in the most frightening situations, God is near. We have not lost hope.
FEAR NOT is our contribution to help others hold on during the challenges they face as the pandemic runs its course. We pray that it will help to shine a light on your path and lift your spirits during this Easter season.
Living with Easter Hope:
Pastor Walt Lichtenberger
Pastor Dennis Sepper
Pastor Scott Simmons
Pastor Meredith McGrath
Pastor Steve Thompson
Pastor Amanda Applehans
Pastor Tom Jenkins