The following was originally posted as part of “With Thanks” in 2018:
“Rejoice continually, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.””
Every parent has dreams for their children. From the moment of their arrival, we imagine what the future might be like for them and set about making plans on their behalf. Some of our schemes are elaborately plotted - often to the frustration of the kids! Other designs are more laid back and fluid - more direction, less detail.
It is not a far stretch to say that most, if not all, people want their children to be healthy and happy. We want them to be filled with joy and make a positive contribution to the greater good. In short, we want them to love and to know love in their life.
The dream of love is one that our heavenly parent has for us and all of our human siblings. You can sum up scripture by saying that it is a love story between the God of steadfast love and God's beloved humanity. God loves and remains faithful even when people do not. God's love refuses to give up.
The life of Jesus embodies this enduring love. When we read the stories of Jesus' kindness, compassion, and inclusion - we read the next chapter in God's love story. Jesus forms a community with a command to love one another.
Through our baptisms, God links us to this community and to the mission to carry on with Jesus' love. Together, we are strengthened by the Spirit to help bring about God's dream of love.
Living a life of gratitude, we enter into God's dream of love. When we express thanks, we recognize that there is a bigger plan to which we belong. Appreciation for the PLACES, PEOPLE, and our PERSON encourages humility and generosity. Our energy, purpose, and focus turn outward - which is the same direction in which Jesus lived.
We won't always get it right. Most days we won't in spite of our most sincere efforts. We will cause heartache for God as we withhold our love and act in unloving ways. Still, by grace, God does not abandon but instead forgives. God keeps holding onto the dream of love for us.
What joy to continue to be part of God's dream! Thanks be to God!
Gracious God, let me rejoice in your love for me and others. With thanks, help me to take part in your dream for this hurting world that you continue to love. Through Christ, Amen.
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Walt is traveling with five other rostered leaders of the St. Paul Area Synod to Iringa, Tanzania for the Pamoja Summit. Sign up to receive a daily email that contains a prayer, a reflection, and find out what the Pamoja group is doing.