Jesus Stories Are Not Just for Kids


The following comes from Walt’s book, Lighting Your Way, With Love

My grandfather played a prominent role in my life as I was growing up.  I recall as a teenager spending many a Friday afternoon sitting with him on folding lawn chairs in my backyard.   

Grandpa was a World War II veteran; he served in a bomb disposal unit in Europe.  He didn't linger on the horror or the destruction of the war much.  There was only one story that he told me in which someone died.  Instead, the epic adventures focused more on friendships and how a small group of GIs survived and made their way "somewhere in Europe."  Grandpa knew the power of stories to connect with others.   

It has been almost twenty-four years since we laid my favorite storyteller to his eternal rest.  Still, his stories continue.  They live in me.  I continue to treasure Grandpa's epic adventures and retell them from time to time.  

Jesus knew the power of stories.  It is no mistake that we read in the Bible that Jesus's teaching consisted of parables.  These little stories of ordinary instances and common objects connected with his hearers, bringing with them big truths about God and God's Kingdom.  Like my Grandpa, Jesus was a master storyteller who knew how to connect his narrative with the lives of his hearers.   

Long after the Nazarene left to go on to the next town, the people there remembered and treasured what he said.  What is more, they passed the teaching on to others until the Gospel writers (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) eventually wrote them down.  Not only did Jesus's stories make the canonical cut, but so did dozens of stories about Jesus's life and ministry.   

One might view the entire Bible as a giant storybook.  You could say that it is a love story of sorts between God and people, full of adventure, intrigue, suspense, brokenness, and redemption.  By the time the tale gets to Bethlehem, a pattern has emerged between God and the people: God is faithful and steadfast in love, people stray and seek life apart from the source of their life.  God doesn't give up but instead enters the story in real time in the presence of Jesus.  People turn back to God and live.   

These "Jesus" stories are valuable.  Taken together, they help to hold back the curtain, giving us a glimpse of God's hidden nature, which is beyond our comprehension.  By the hearing, telling, and treasuring of the stories of Jesus's life and ministry, we have an invaluable resource.  Taking Jesus stories to heart, we will be inspired, instructed, and empowered in our living.  They are even helpful at times when we find ourselves missing the familiar occupants of the lawn chairs in our backyard.  


Gracious God, throughout the ages, your story is one of steadfast love and faithfulness.  From creating all people in your image to your deliverance of your people from captivity, you liberate life itself.  Strengthen me to live in your story this day.  Guide me in your path so that my life might reflect your goodness.  Through Jesus Christ, amen. 

Today’s reading comes from Walt’s first book, Lighting Your Way, With Love. He wrote it on the occasion of his son leaving for college. It is a devotional book about transitions, faith, and living as a child of God.


© 2019 Walt Lichtenberger. All rights reserved.