Time to Move Beyond All Zones of Comfort

blog first published on June 18, 2017


In the summer of 2008, a spirit of restlessness filled me.  At first, I pushed back the feeling.   Ministry was going well at Faith Lutheran.  Things had settled into a nice pattern that was consistent and effective.  Although Faith Lutheran was still technically my ‘first call,’ it felt like I had a couple of chapters of ministry there.  I would joke and say that I was on about my third call at Faith.  At the heart of what kept me excited about ministry was my partnership with Pastor Mac.  We were a team.  The spirit of collegiality that welcomed me as a VERY wet behind the ears pastor eleven years prior had been uninterrupted.  We had something special.

A year before, Pastor Mac had some serious medical issues.  He was out for a couple of months over the summer.  I led the annual trip to Sunset Gap by myself as he was recovering from surgery.   Out of his absence came two distinct and unexpected teachings.  First, after all the years of experience at Faith, I had the ability to lead a large congregation on my own.  This realization was affirming, to be sure.  Although I was missing Mac’s daily guidance and wisdom, he had imparted enough of these gifts over the years that I was able to go solo.  I was ready to lead on my own. 

Second, as I thought about the future of ministry at Faith Lutheran, I knew that I couldn’t lead there in a way that was needed by the congregation or for my growth.  For me, what kept me at Faith was the wonderful ministry partnership with which I shared with Pastor Mac.   If there came a time when I would have to serve alone or with a new partner, I would be missing too much.  At that time, the ministry at Faith would need new ideas and a fresh start.   I didn’t think that I could provide an ‘outsider’s perspective’ or a ‘beginner’s mind.’    Others might, but I would be missing too much of what once was.  The church, though it needs to be grounded in the traditions and memories of the past, must always look ahead with new vision.  Pastoral leaders need to be on the cusp of vision, seeing what is coming next down the road.  We need to dream forward and not be trying to recreate the memories of the past.  For the sake of Faith Lutheran and my sake, I needed to be open to the call of the Spirit.  It was time.

That openness led to conversations which led ultimately to a move across the country.  To say that this move was outside my comfort zone would be a silly understatement.  Most people couldn’t understand why we left the familiarity of our New Jersey home (and our family who lived nearby) to travel to places unknown north and west.  Everything about the move was new and filled with uncertain adventure.  Like the pioneers that left the east to follow their dreams for the future so did we.  In respect, what we found looked nothing like the brochures or what we thought how it would turn out.  That said, I am deeply grateful for the way that the Spirit gave us a swift kick in the britches and moved us beyond our zones of comfort.

Permission granted to share with family and friends.  Copyrighted 2017. Walt Lichtenberger