On this All Saint’s Day, I remember one of the great saints in my life… Walt
blog first published on June 12, 2017
I’ve mentioned about Pastor Mac and the powerful impact that he had on me. That influence continues in so many blessed ways. More than a pastoral colleague, he was my pastor, mentor, confidant, and dear friend. He taught me how to be a pastor more than all the classes I’ve attended, books I’ve read, and papers that I’ve authored. His method of teaching was simple. He modeled the compassion of Jesus in what he said and did. He displayed this in not only pastoral care settings but also in meetings and through his leadership.
When he came to serve at Faith Lutheran, he told folks that he was like “Robin Hood” – called to take from the rich and give to the poor. At first, they laughed as they thought he was joking. He wasn’t. The suburban, country-club mentality was firmly entrenched at Faith in the pre-Mac years. Prestige, image, and status weighed heavily upon the people. They were generous enough and engaged in some outreach – as most churches do. The focus, however, remained inwardly focused. Pastor Mac changed this through his strong leadership and a belief that the gospel of Jesus Christ calls us beyond ourselves. The church can never be a club of like-minded people when the hurting people of the world are right outside the door.
I always said that Pastor Mac has the heart of a city pastor. His heart brought him into battles and conflict when the status quo wanted to retain power and define the nature of the church. One such struggle consisted of bringing a new ministry of providing shelter for local homeless. It had happened a few years before I arrived at Faith Lutheran, New Providence. A coalition of churches was being put together that would house homeless families in churches for a week at a time. Given the nature of poverty in the area, there was a racial dimension involved. As you might imagine, resistance rose. Thankfully there was a small group of passionate people who saw this as a justice issue. Pastor Mac guided the ministry through the turbulent political waters, and eventually, Faith Lutheran hosted families in the building a few times a year on a rotation with a few partner churches. Interfaith Hospitality Ministry continues today as it is an essential part of a vast host of outreach ministries. In fact, Interfaith Hospitality Ministry probably helped to spark additional outreach efforts and helped to turn the focus of the church outward.
I learned from Pastor Mac that congregations require leadership to escape the heavy gravitational pull of the status quo. No one likes change, particularly change that might make us uncomfortable or require us to look at deep-seated fears and biases. It is not that bad people that willfully resist ministry fill the church. Rather, we are scared and afraid to lose our comfort zone. Ironically, it is the comfort zones that pull churches toward being museums and cemeteries of the past. Proclamation of the gospel, and the necessary experiments and efforts to live this out in tangible ways, provide the needed impetus to become outposts for mission. It doesn’t happen overnight. It takes years of dedication, prodding, compassion, and a willingness to fight the hard battles in Jesus’ name.
Whenever I see a picture of ‘Robin Hood,' I think of my dear friend. Pastor Mac was always willing to fight the battles that helped to share a greater portion outwards. I know that this continues to be a part of his ministry at Faith Lutheran – a ministry that remains outward focused.
I am deeply thankful for Pastor Mac – his passion and heart, his leadership skill and wisdom. It remains a privilege to have served as one of his ‘merry men.'
Special note: Not too long after this memoir was published, Pastor Mac entered the Church Triumphant to be with his Lord and all the saints in light. To say that his death has caused great grief would be an understatement. He was an amazing man in so many ways. I am forever grateful for the lessons he taught me and for the life in ministry that I was privileged to share with him.
Gracious God, thank you for faithful leaders, such as Pastor Mac, who help direct your church outwards. Strengthen outreach ministry in every congregation. Fill us with passion and compassion so that we can provide the needed energy to widely open our doors. Through Christ, Amen.
Permission granted to share with family and friends. Copyrighted 2017. Walt Lichtenberger