blog first published on February 15, 2017
Each week I have the pleasure of reading a Bible story for the St. James Early Education Center. Over thirty children come into the sanctuary along with their teachers for this special time. It is a lot of fun, and it gives me an opportunity to dust off my 'clown skills' (in the early 1990's I was trained as a clown and did a variety of kids' shows - a story for another time). In addition to reading a Bible story, we have a little water-pouring ritual, light the big candles on the altar table, and pray. Afterward, I will share a magic trick, silly juggling, or we will march around the church parade-style. When it is time to leave, the children and I exchange high-fives.
Did I mention that this is a welcome and fun addition to my day?
A few weeks ago, as the children were leaving - waving and saying goodbye in the manner in which we usually part company - one child yelled out, "have a good day with Jesus!" From the mouths of babes!
Have a good day with Jesus! What a wonderful way to say goodbye. It has stayed with me ever since.
I wonder if the children think that Jesus is in my study waiting for me to return. Or maybe they think we are friends (which we are - btw) and hang out with each other. Regardless, think about the image. Think about it in Eucharistic terms. Spending time with Jesus and having a good day; is this Real Presence?
What if we were to think about the concept of Real Presence in light of childhood friendship? Children are happy when they are with their friends. One of the purposes of St. James Lutheran Early Education Center is to provide a safe place for children to not only socialize with others but also to provide a space where they can grow. And that happens. Friendships are nurtured and encouraged in the classroom. The children seem happy as a result.
Again, imagine the joy of living in friendship with Jesus. Imagine Jesus being with us, as a friend would, through the ups and downs of each day. At work - when the day labors on, what would our friend Jesus do? Would Jesus tell us a joke that would make our sides split? Maybe he would share a word of encouragement that allows us to hang in there. At home - when the joys of domestic habitation are pushed to the side to make way for the daily routine. Would Jesus do the dishes or put a loving hand on our shoulder?
What does friendship with Jesus entail? Is it for our gratification and appeasement? Or is it for our growth. Is Jesus the kind of friend that stays beyond fair weather conditions? Would Jesus speak to us the hard truth that allows us to confront our shortcomings and enter into the possibility of growth?
Would Jesus be the kind of friend that speaks the hard truth in love? Would Jesus remind us that we need to extend our friendship to include that child who sits at the other end of the cafeteria table alone? Would Jesus leave us to join the one who is alone?
Have a nice day with Jesus - it makes me wonder and yearn for the kind of friendship with Christ that is enduring and immanently present.
Permission granted to share with family and friends. Copyrighted 2017. Walt Lichtenberger