CONCLUSION - Easter Sunday


Take a deep, cleansing breath. Allow the air to fill your lungs and expand your body. Exhale and empty yourself into the room. Repeat three times - once for the one who Created you, once for the Incarnate One who walks beside you, and once for the Spirit whose life fills your being.




The leaves on the large oak trees that border and shade my backyard have started to change to a golden yellow. Alongside them, the maples contribute a reddish splendor. Potted chrysanthemums fill up space on the deck where once herbs and zinnias flourished. Autumn’s colors surround us. It is a beauty in which to find delight.     

With my morning coffee from my favorite mug in hand, I settle into the cushion on a deck chair. Looking at the yard in these first moments of daylight, I smile. It has been a long time—both metaphorical and literal—since the ground was lifeless and covered with snow. Spring shared its blessing of buds, blossoms, and growth. Summer followed with its warmth. A transformation happened and is still in progress. Numerous perennial plants are going through their annual cycles—like actors, they walk on and off stage on cue. Change is a process that is constant.  

Through efforts of planting, watering, pruning, and cutting, Katie and I have participated in the transformation of the backyard. Our efforts have made a difference, and we can look at our work with a sense of pride and satisfaction. That being said, I say “participated” because we did not create a single piece of it. Creation is something much bigger than us. It is more powerful and cannot be tamed in spite of our efforts or delusions.  

While taking a swig of my rich, black coffee, I look at the backyard and smile again. In this moment, there is a simple joy. I know that things won’t stay the same forever. I know that fall will turn to winter. I know that growth is followed by decay. Life is followed by death. But at this moment…there is gratitude. There is also the invitation found in the parables to live life to the fullness as a gift—imperfections and all. 

Jesus’s parables—the entire Bible for that matter—are not some ancient, hokey incantations or spells that you can recite to make everything flawlessly work out. In real life, there is no guarantee or magic formulas—do this, believe this, and life will turn out perfectly. Life just doesn’t work that way. Those who hold such fantasy as their “truth” are ultimately disappointed.    

They also miss the essence of scripture. The Bible is a love story between God and humanity. God chooses to be present in the midst of human life with all of its imperfections and messiness. Instead of avoiding struggle, pain, sorrow, mistakes, or unholiness, God enters with a passion and determination to remain. Here we find the wisdom and teaching of the cross. God, in the life of Jesus, endures the violence of a cross in solidarity with a broken and hurting humanity. The cross, with all its ugliness and hatred, rejection and failure, is the very place that God plants the seeds of resurrection. 

The parables teach us that our life with God is less like a math problem and more like a dance step. Walk this way. Shuffle to the left, then to the right. The columns may not add up like you think they should or could, but that is alright. Don’t overthink. Participating in God’s Kingdom is so simple that a child could follow and yet so complicated that it takes a lifetime to master.  

With my morning coffee in hand, I sit down on a deck chair and reflect. Beyond my smile and gratitude, I enter into the sacred space of a moment. By the grace of God, I am here. At this moment, at this time, I have the life God has given me. I breathe deeply in the present—not fully aware of where I’ve been or where I’m going, I push past and future to the side. For now, there is the present. It is a present for me to cherish and open. It is what I have, what I’ve been given. It is sufficient, sacred, and not to be squandered. 

Settling into the comfortable cushion of the deck chair, I dwell in my identity as a child of God. God, through wisdom that passes my understanding, created my life (and yours too)! For that matter, all humanity has been chosen by God to bear the image, the essence, the “stuff” of God’s being. Created in God’s image, we are gifted. Our spirits remain connected to God’s goodness and life—even though we may not “feel” it. Even though our brokenness may be all too real and undeniable—we remain connected to God’s life.  

I receive and embrace this truth: I am, you are, and we are part of God’s life and Kingdom. As such, we have a worth that itself is sacred. We matter—no matter what anyone might tell us. No matter what we might say to ourselves, we matter and have a place in the universe that is unique. What is more, God invites us to engage, participate, dwell, and respond. For we are not alone; our backyard gardens are full of life. Look around and see the diverse plants and critters that inhabit the small portion of the world where we live.  

The coffee in my cup will not last forever. As the dark liquid is depleted, I feel a restlessness begin to take over. A new day lies ahead of me. This present is begging me to open it and live into it. I have an opportunity to be who God created me to be—right now. I can choose to love, care, nurture, and be available to others.  

Sure, I can run in the opposite direction. And I will, more often than I’d like to admit. I will lose my way, stumble, and stub my toe in the process. I’ll need a healthy portion of forgiveness, kindness, compassion, and grace.  

However, I find myself compelled, by the parables of Jesus, to make an effort. I will try, once again, to follow and be a faithful disciple.  After all, the Kingdom of God is near. It is time to turn in God’s direction. 

Time to receive and embrace this moment that surrounds us. Time to breath and exhale. Time to choose the life that Jesus models. 

Time to enter this day with gratitude. Time to love as God loves. Time to leave the comfort zone of the deck chair and live into the coming day.


Praise God from whom all blessings flow, praise God all creatures here below, praise God above ye heavenly host, praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, amen!

Copyright 2020. Walt Lichtenberger. Permission granted to share with family and friends.