Take a deep, cleansing breath. Allow the air to fill your lungs and expand your body. Exhale and empty yourself into the room. Repeat three times - once for the one who Created you, once for the Incarnate One who walks beside you, and once for the Spirit whose life fills your being.
The Parable of the Worn Deck:
Pay attention to what you hear!
What does the homeowner do with an old, worn-out deck? I tell you, she will take the time, energy, and effort to sand it down, board by board, and repaint it.
Or she will tear it up and replace the boards with new material made of composite plastic that doesn’t weather. The homeowner will not allow the worn-out deck to rot in place and fall apart because it poses too high a threat to her family.
So it is with the Kingdom of God. The old and worn-out parts shall be rejuvenated or replaced.
A Question to Ponder:
What parts of your life have worn out and need your attention?
Gracious God,
be present to me in the worn-out and broken places of my life. Forgive me where I have not loved or cared for others. Renew my worn-out spirit so that I might find new strength to live as you would have me live. Guide me anew in the paths of your grace so that I might participate in your justice and peace.
Through Christ, Amen.
Copyright 2020. Walt Lichtenberger. Permission granted to share with family and friends.