Take a deep, cleansing breath. Allow the air to fill your lungs and expand your body. Exhale and empty yourself into the room. Repeat three times - once for the one who Created you, once for the Incarnate One who walks beside you, and once for the Spirit whose life fills your being.
The Parable of the Springtime Rain:
The Kingdom of God can be compared to a springtime rain. Suddenly, the sky turns dark. A single drop falls and we hear the sound of it hitting the earth. Then another and another. One by one, multiple drops fall, gradually increasing in volume and intensity.
In a moment, springtime rain surrounds us on all sides. It is like an orchestra that rapidly crescendos. There is an undeniable passion as the heavens seem to open and sheets of water pour upon the earth. Rain at this time of the year is substantial and laden with promise. You can smell it in the air.
This water will quench the thirst of rapidly growing plants and buds. The rain will also sink deep into the ground and replenish the water table, which is sorely needed in advance of late summer drought.
I tell you, even though the rain will eventually stop, its effects will linger and refresh. The experience will be remembered and celebrated.
A Question to Ponder:
What are the dry places in your spirit that are most in need of God’s refreshment?
Gracious God,
you bring springtime waters that renew the earth. We thank you for the lakes and rivers, ponds and creeks, headwaters and aquifers. From the Red Sea of Exodus to the font of our baptisms, we praise you for the way that you have used water throughout the ages to bear your redemptive purposes. In this day, rain your love upon us. Fill us with forgiveness, grace, and a generosity of spirit. Open our free-flowing response so that we might channel your goodness and gifts to others..
Through Jesus Christ, Amen.
Copyright 2020. Walt Lichtenberger. Permission granted to share with family and friends.