Take a deep, cleansing breath. Allow the air to fill your lungs and expand your body. Exhale and empty yourself into the room. Repeat three times - once for the one who Created you, once for the Incarnate One who walks beside you, and once for the Spirit whose life fills your being.
The Parable of the DEER Buffet :
One day a foolish man went out into his backyard to plant a garden. He built a raised bed garden box. Back and forth he went to the home store to buy bags of topsoil and flats of plants.
After filling the garden box with dirt and raking it smooth, the man planted; he put in tomato and pepper plants. Carefully, he sowed rows after rows. He planted lettuce from a package of seeds. Around the border, he even put a set of onions. After much hard work, he surveyed his garden and was satisfied with all that he had done to make it as he wanted.
Days passed by; each morning, the man looked at his garden with pride. He watched as tiny white blossoms formed on the pepper plants and yellow blooms appeared on the tomato plants. Soon he would reap a harvest of vegetables.
During the night, however, the deer came into his unprotected yard. Undeterred, they feasted upon the blossoms and tender leaves. In the morning, the foolish man saw that his garden had been invaded. He was devastated as he looked upon the ruined plants.
So it will be with all those who work hard and yet don’t take steps to safeguard what they have planted. The wise not only plant but they also protect the tender shoots and blossoms so that they might grow.
A Question to Ponder:
What are the tender shoots and blossoms of your faith life that need protection and attention?
Gracious God,
I thank you for your blessing and presence in my life. The gift of faith that you have given me is precious and fragile. So much in this world threatens its growth and its potential to bear fruit. Guard and strengthen me in your grace and love so that I might withstand the challenges and threats to my spirit. Give me the wisdom to tend my soul each day in prayer and devotion to you. Embolden my response so that I live my life with openness and trust. Send me out with renewed zeal to care for others.
Through Christ, Amen.
Copyright 2020. Walt Lichtenberger. Permission granted to share with family and friends.