A Prayer for the Forty First Day of Easter


Resurrection and the life,

Sometimes I’m afraid to say what needs to be said.  My voice remains silent when it should speak on behalf of others.  Sometimes, I talk too much. Blah, blah, blah – unfiltered words spew forth that do little to acknowledge the presence, voice, and truth of others.  My feelings and opinions seem to dominate – when that happens, I speak for myself only. Sadly, my voice remains silent when it should speak on behalf of others.  You have given me the ability to share words of encouragement, care, advocacy, challenge, and peace. Instead of lending my voice to support your work of justice, I am afraid of the consequences. Resurrect my courage, passion, and voice to follow Jesus.  Embolden me to love as you love regardless of the cost.

Through Christ, Amen.

Permission granted to share with friends.  Copyright 2018 Walt Lichtenberger