A Prayer for the Forty Ninth Day of Easter


Resurrection and the Life,

lift me up to the level of your love.  It is too easy to sink into the muck of self-deprecation, negativity, and despair.  Instead of believing in your love for me, I buy into the lies that surround me and cause me to doubt that I am loved.  I sink into fear and worry that I'm not good enough or worth enough. When I sink into not loving the person that you created me to be, I fail to love others.  Let love reign in my heart in such a way that there is no longer room for those things that drag me down. Lift me up to the level of your love for me so that I might move beyond fear and insecurities to love myself and others.

Through Christ, Amen.

Permission granted to share with friends.  Copyright 2018 Walt Lichtenberger