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Dear reader,
Thank you for reading what I have to offer. I trust that you have found these daily devotions refreshing and inspiring. With every devotional series that I write, I intend to shine a little light on your path.
With each devotional, there are costs involved. There are fees charged to host websites and email content as well as the time commitment needed to write, process, and deliver meaningful content. It is a labor of love, to be sure, but it is one that comes at a financial cost. Light From This Hill receives no financial support from any outside organization. We receive no income from advertising.
I don’t want anyone to stop reading because of the price tag, and I realize that not everyone can afford the same amount. That said, I’m simply asking everyone to consider what these devotions have meant to them and pay an amount that feels right to them. Regardless of your decision, you will continue getting your daily devotional.
How much should I pay? That is a question that you can only answer. Compare the value that you receive from this devotional to the following:
A cup of coffee or a pack of gum is around $2.99
An extra value meal from a local fast food place is between $4.99 and $7.99
Around 32 cents a day for a month of devotions is $9.99
Are you interested in an Annual Subscription instead? Pay one price and receive all the devotions published within the next year without being asked to support each time. You also gain access to my entire archive of devotional series. For more information (click here).
Again, whatever you decide is what you pay. All contributions are greatly appreciated and allow us to continue to offer future series.
Thank you ahead of time for contributing.
In Christ’s Light,