This series was published in Advent 2024, which started on December 1 and ran through December 24.
You can read any of the devotions by clicking on the highlighted text below.
Week ONE:
Day One: Introduction to the week
Day Two: A Bible Story Retold: With Enough Oil
Day Three: A Parable from Paradise
Day Four: From the Pews: Naomi and Ruthie
Day Five: A Story of Anticipatory Waiting
Day Six: Small Steps: Active Waiting
Day Seven: Advent Promise: The Wondrous Things That You Bring
Week Two:
Day Eight: Introduction to the week
Day Nine: A Bible Story Retold: Intruding Welcome
Day Ten: A Parable from Paradise
Day Eleven: From the Pews: Sampson’s Lift
Day Twelve: A Story of Endurance: Troublesome Knees
Day Thirteen: Small Steps: Taking One More Step
Day Fourteen: Advent Promise: Your Mercy will Last
Day Fifteen: Introduction to the week
Day Sixteen: A Bible Story Retold: Joel’s Bitter Herbs
Day Seventeen: A Parable from Paradise
Day Eighteen: From the Pews: Jacob’s Deal
Day Nineteen: Stringing the Lights of Biblical Justice
Day Twenty: Small Steps: Do, Love, Walk Humbly
Day Twenty-One: Advent Promise: The Season Continues
Day Twenty-Two: Introduction to the “Week”
Day Twenty-Three: A Bible Story Retold: Mary
Day Twenty-Four: O God We Need Your Dawn!