To access this series, click on the links below.
Sunday: The Dawning of Assurance
Tuesday: A Jesus-Story Retold: Zechariah (part one)
Wednesday: An Inspirational Image and Haikus for You
Thursday: The Assurance of Baptism
Friday: A Jesus-Story Retold: Zechariah (part two)
Saturday: Towards an Emerging Light (part one)
Sunday: The Dawning of Comfort
Tuesday: A Jesus-Story Retold: Elizabeth (part one)
Wednesday: An Inspirational Image and Haikus for You
Thursday: The Comfort of Baptism
Friday: A Jesus-Story Retold: Elizabeth (part two)
Saturday: Towards an Emerging Light (part two)
ADVENT Week Three
Tuesday: A Jesus-Story Retold: Mary (part one)
Wednesday: An Inspirational Image and Haikus for You
Friday: A Jesus-Story Retold: Mary (part two)
Saturday: Towards an Emerging Light (part three)
aDVENT Week Four
Sunday: The Dawning of Courage
Tuesday: A Jesus-Story Retold: Amos
Wednesday: An Inspirational Image and Haikus for You
Christmas Eve: the last day of Advent 2020: Towards an Emerging Light (part four)