Sometimes we need a little….


  • Refreshing.

  • Faith-filled but not “preachy”.

  • arrives in time for your morning coffee.

  • 28 Days of inspiration.


It’s easy to nurture your spirit daily with “More Light”…



There is no cost for this devotional. It comes as a gift from Walt with thanks for all who supported his writing ministry in 2021.

of course, if you’d like to become an Annual Subscriber and help support Walt’s writing in 2022… we won’t say “no” For more information.



You will instantly receive a Welcome to the series. Starting on January 10, you will receive your daily devotion in your inbox. Those who subscribe after January 10 will receive their first day the next morning. It will be there in time for your favorite ‘start the day’ beverage!



Take a deep breath and feel your spirit lifted as you read a 5-minute inspiration.


About the Author

The Rev. Dr. Walt Lichtenberger has 25 years of experience teaching, preaching and helping to guide people in spiritual living. As a pastor in the Lutheran tradition, he grounds his ministry of Word and Sacrament in a love for preaching and presiding about God's radical hospitality. The stories he shares come from travels and walking with folks in a variety of real life trials and struggles.