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Part of LIVING FAITHFUL bundle series: FAITH, HOPE, and LOVE. Subscribe to all three for $9.99 and save over 33%. (CLICK HERE for more information) .
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Subscribe to the whole LIVING FAITHFUL series for ONLY $9.99 and receive FAITH, HOPE, and LOVE. Each series is 28 days long for a total of 84 days of inspiration. For more information.
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Take a deep breath and feel your spirit lifted by FAITH as you read a 5-minute inspiration.
Faith is…
God’s gift to us
that grounds our life
in the very life of God.
Throughout this series, Walt will be “CRACKING OPEN” faith myths that can lead us into problematic territory. Here are the myths that Walt will challenge: Belief is the SAME as faith; Doubting is NOT faithful; Faith is having the RIGHT answer; and our faith is the ONLY way to God. Read along and see him break apart these limiting half-truths.
About the Author
The Rev. Dr. Walt Lichtenberger has over 20 years of experience teaching, preaching and helping to guide people in spiritual living. As a pastor in the Lutheran tradition, he grounds his ministry of Word and Sacrament in a love for preaching and presiding about God's radical hospitality. The stories he shares come from travels and walking with folks in a variety of real life trials and struggles.