starting anew….
This devotional looks at new chapters in life and God's creative nature to make all things new. It will run for 31days and features daily scripture, reflections, Inspirational Images, and prayers.
Faith-filled but not “preachy”.
arrives in time for your morning coffee.
31 Days of inspiration.
It’s easy to nurture your spirit daily with “Beginnings”…
The devotional makes use of Pay What It's Worth Pricing. You get to decide what it is worth to you and that is the amount that you pay.
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Take a deep breath and feel your spirit lifted as you read a 5-minute inspiration.
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About the Author
The Rev. Dr. Walt Lichtenberger has over 25 years of experience teaching, preaching and helping to guide people in spiritual living. As a pastor in the Lutheran tradition, he grounds his ministry of Word and Sacrament in a love for preaching and presiding about God's radical hospitality. The stories he shares come from travels and walking with folks in a variety of real life trials and struggles.