FREE for a limited time (thru September 30)

Have you ever asked the question, "where is God?" Maybe it was during a time of crises or exasperation. You asked for God's help, and sadly things didn't turn out as you planned. Perhaps you felt alone and isolated? Insecure in your faith and filled with all sorts of doubts, you slipped into a scary place. God is far away; hope is distant.

Is that a bit extreme? Not quite in the place of such despair? Good. Actually, great! Still, what's your answer to the question, "where is God?"   How do you encounter God's presence on good days? Do thoughts of God come to you when joy abounds? Do the blessings of the moment draw you deeper into your relationship with your Creator? Or, are you more apt to move on after you speak a quick, "thank God?" 

Whether we find ourselves in good or bad times, feel the nearness or distance of God, we each have an essential spiritual need - connection with God. In the deepest part of the soul of the human creature lies a restlessness that can only be satisfied in God. Centuries ago, St. Augustine wrote, "You have made us for yourself O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in Thee." Across time, place, and religious experience, this longing remains intact.\

As a Christian, I find the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus invaluable in my search to rest in God. Christ's life becomes both guide, companion, and way in my seeking. The stories of Jesus's encounters, with regular and flawed people, bring me both comfort and courage. They connect me to God.  

Christ brings restoration, connection, and invitation. When you meet Jesus, your life changes; it is healed and put back together. You find yourself a part of a community that has compassion and hospitality at its core. Unexpected meaning emerges as we carry out the loving work of our Creator.  

In Everyone You Meet: Encounters with the Risen Christ is a six week, daily devotional series filled with Jesus-stories. Each day you will receive inspiration delivered to your inbox in time for your morning coffee. On some days, the stories will be imaginative retellings of familiar encounters of Jesus from the gospels. At other times, there will be narratives of contemporary interactions with Christ. Each day contains a scripture reading and a prayer. I have designed each to take no more than five minutes to read. It is my prayer that they will help connect you with God.

A Gift for You….

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For a limited time, in the early days of my new pastoral call at Christus Victor Lutheran Church in Naples, Florida, I am offering this devotional free of charge. In my time of transition, I am grateful for all the past and future ministry of which God has gifted me to be a part. As I engage in ministry, I have encountered the Risen Christ in many situations and people. I look forward to the future and seeing Jesus in everyone I meet.

In Christ’s Light,
