God is Good, Even in the Badlands
St. James Family Camp Adventure in the Badlands and Black Hills of South Dakota
Photo Gallery
Daily Devotional
And the winner is….
Thank you to all the folks who participated in the “What’s the Buffalo Thinking?” Contest. We had over 80 entries!
Pastor Walt with Bugly on his hat.
Gabe was one of our youth participants on the trip. When youth go on trips there are often running and inside jokes that emerge during the week that are connected to their experience. Gabe’s winning entry is such a thing. It references a gift that youth gave to Pastor Walt at Mount Rushmore. A slightly miss-shaped stuffed buffalo - which the teens thought was ‘ugly’ - was quickly named “Bugly.” Bugly came with us on the rest of the travels and will live in Pastor Walt’s study should you like to visit with him; Bugly could use all the hugs he gets.