

"Friend Subscription"

for you to Share


Here's how you can give a subscription to your friend in three easy steps!


Step One:  

Think of a friend that would appreciate receiving a FREE subscription to Light Dawns On a Weary World. FREE means that we won’t send them any emails asking them to Pay What They Think It’s Worth.


Step Two:  

Cut and paste the content below into an email to your friend or create your own.   Be sure to include the link - that's the important key they'll need to activate their subscription.


Step Three:

Send your email to your friend.  Having it come from you, they will know that it is real and not some gimmick.  

Sample Content  to cut and paste into your email to your friend

Dear [insert your friend's name],  I have been reading a daily devotional that I think you might like to read. Light Dawns On a Weary World, contains stories that are uplifting, inspiring, and faith-based.  Best yet, they are delivered right to your email inbox in time for morning coffee!  With each subscription, Light From This Hill, gives a free subscription to share with a friend.  I chose you!  To activate it, all you need to do is follow this link: https://mailchi.mp/lightfromthishill/free-subscription-light-dawns

Let's enjoy this Advent series together.    [Insert your name]


An email from a friend is a welcome sight. An email from a friend containing a gift subscription to Light From This Hill is a nice surprise!

We promise not to sell any email addresses.

Activating the free subscription is voluntary and opt-in only.


Light From This Hill 


Light From this Hill believes in sharing and community.  Building connections between people of faith strengthens us all.  We look to involve as many people as possible in daily spiritual care.  To this end, it is our practice to offer a FREE "Friend Subscription" with every subscription.  This is just one more way of  shining a little light on your path.