A Prayer for the Forty Eighth Day of Easter


Resurrection and the Life,

In the morning, the day stands in front of us as an unwritten chapter.  It is full of promise and dread - so many things could happen. We will control some of what will happen through carefully and carelessly laid design.   A fair bit of what will happen lies beyond our control - a fact that will frustrate us. We can't possibly anticipate every scenario. We are not you, and yet we try to usurp your providence.  Settle us down a bit, O God. Give us the wisdom and power to take a DEEP breath. Remind us that we are the creature and not the Creator. Ease us into the future of this day and the assurance that you are present for us no matter what will happen.  

Through Christ, Amen.

Permission granted to share with friends.  Copyright 2018 Walt Lichtenberger